Friday, 20 January 2012

Dangers, Philosophy and a Secret!
Mikko Hypponen: Three types of online attack

The three types of online attacks. Online criminals, a new way to become millionaires!!!!! The activists, who use the net for rebelliously want to thrust their opinion on the people!!! And the Western government is providing the totalitarian governments with tools to work against their own people. But the western government is doing the same themselves. If you are a suspect of crime not only your phone is tapped, but also your internet and other documents in your computer are under surveillance by the government. So are you safe. Mikko Hypponen talks us through the latest online crimes.
The 20 most dangerous drugs! 

Cannabis to Crystal meth, Ethanol To Ecstasy…which one is the most dangerous drug?? What makes a drug dangerous?? LSD, Tobacco!!! Are all drugs addictive??? A BBC presentation to alert us with the 20 most used drugs. How do the brain and body react to each stimulant as it passes into the bloodstream, and what are the long-term effects of drugs relative to their classification??? This documentary takes us to the depth of how these drugs or chemicals evolved and when did they actually became a reason for people loosing their lives for the same.

At a time when global warming and ozone layer depletion has become a worldwide problem impacting us and the environment adversely the motto for survival should be ‘’BUILDING GREEN’’. Host Kevin Contreras leads an interactive exploration of green building techniques and alternatives which help people live in environmentally-conscious lifestyles. Saving himself from the toxic environment Kevin Contreras design and constructs his own green Santa Barbara dream home as a living workshop. What all appliances can be run on solar power??? This documentary guides us with how can the natural resources help us bring a green and healthy environment saving tones of energy.
The Secret

The buried secret was finally released. Thoughts become things. The law of attraction is always working and responding to your thought focusing on what you want from focusing on what you do not want. How the universe reacts to a positive thought??? How negativity impacts the world around you??? The Secret pivots on the time-honored new age notion of the Laws of Attraction: That is, think positively, and positive things will come to you. It explains to us how we attract the things which we complain about the most.
Alain de botton : Atheism 2.0

Atheism 2.0… A new religion of the atheists??? Alain De Bottom guides us through what we need and what we don’t in religion. A sermon or a lecture, what do we need. Do we love just the Christmas celebration, the sculptures, the church and other traditions and rituals to satisfy our human need for connection? Religion and culture, separating the two Alain De Bottom tells us what actually religion is for an atheist.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Beauty, Terrorism & Internet!

Isabel Allende tells tales of passion

A passionate heart is what determines our fate. This is true and an inspiration behind all the writings of Isabel Allende , an author and an activist. She explains to us what feminism is. She uses the elegance and the sex appeal of Sophia Loren to explain the condition of women in today’s world. She tells about her journey to four minutes to fame and drives us through the refugee camp in Congo to prostitution, premature marriage and forced labor. Feminism in the west has never been that sexy?? Is it true?? Does a women’s heart lack passion??  Isabel Allende answers these questions and tells us about some of the facts that would make us shudder and force us to think.

David Griffin on how photography connects 

What is photography??  Are these the mere images which we capture in our cameras?? Isn’t it something which connects us to the world??  Isn’t it an expression without philosophy which can be watched and felt??  The photo director of national geographic channel, David Griffin, shares with us on what photography actually means. He shares with us some of the experiences of his photographers who have risked their lives to present us without some of the most extraordinary images which have touched their lives as well. He further shares with us on how one uses photos to tell his or her stories. He tells us on how photography helps us find solutions to issues that are potentially distressful and controversial.

Secret Pakistan

Pakistan and the U.S are the closest allies to fight against terrorism. Are you sure?? Secret Pakistan is a documentary which explores how the closest ally stands accused by the top CIA officials and western diplomats. After the 9/11, Osama Bin Laden was killed by the U.S troops in May this year who had an hide out in the Pakistan’s military base.  The Pakistan government refused to have any knowledge about the hideout. But, the Taliban commanders have another story to tell. This BBC documentary describes how these commanders got support from Pakistan in terms of weapons and training. Bruce Riedel , CIA (1977-2006) shares with us about the relations between Bush and general Pervez Musharraf, and about the duplicity, which Pakistan is accused of today. 

Children of Taliban

This FRONTLINE/world documentary tells us about to countries, the Islamic republic of Pakistan and South Korea.  Sharmeen  Obaid-Chinoy  takes us through the streets of Pakistan and tells us about the methods by which the commanders for Taliban are recruited.  This documentary, The children of Taliban, explores the lives of the families who have lost their friends and relatives as a victim of the terrorist attacks or to become a Taliban militant. Children in Taliban are stopped from going to school. Kaynath, a little Taliban girl would never be able to become which she had dreamt of, a doctor. 
    Correspondent Douglas Rushkoff tells us about the impact of the digital media in the South Korea. Defending the space invaders to entre the space through Video games, in this tech savvy world, has scared the parents, who are feeling that their children are being taken away from them. A reality to the whole concept of the Digital world, impacting the life of the people.

The Google Boys

The sons of college professors, Larry Page and Sergey Brin – two brainy Stanford University dropouts, found the company which today answers to more than 200 million queries a day, through out the day. This documentary tells us how the data flows in Google, through various countries. How the search became a money making business?? How marketing and advertisements saw a new arena to meet its customers?? The life’s of the dropout turned billionaires is rather interesting. They introduced this search engine in the Year 1998, a time when it was not possible to find the gems from the trash. This documentary gives us an insight on how they got an idea to make something like this. Yes, they faced certain problems but the 2 Stanford dropouts were smart enough to dodge them with ease.